Welcome to Abhay Sampath's Artist Portfolio.
I'm an acrylic/oil painter and muralist based out of Stamford, CT.
These paintings explore the space between dreams and nightmares to tell stories of introspection and self-growth.
Look through my work and get in touch for more information.
About Abhay Sampath
Abhay Sampath is an acrylic/oil painter and muralist based out of Stamford, CT.
From a young age, the pastoral landscapes of rural India found their way into his art to tell stories of vivid colors, meandering animals, and a longing for breezy serenity.
A keen understanding of optics elevated these captivating sights to create a reality that is suspended between the natural world and a surreal dream state.
Feel the warmth of these fires, hear the waves against the distant shore, and join in a journey of transcendent peace.